Silvia Gerbino nasce a Roma nel 1986. Da sempre interessata all’arte e alla fotografia collabora, giovanissima, con l’ “Akkademia dei Prossimali”, sperimentando e approfondendo lo studio delle arti visive. Nel 2005 intraprende la carriera universitaria scegliendo la Facoltà di Lettere e laureandosi in Critica Letteraria applicata alla Fotografia con il massimo dei voti. In questi anni frequenta corsi di post produzione fotografica con prestigiosi insegnanti e lavora come assistente fotografo in Italia e all’estero. Attualmente vive a Roma e si occupa di eventi, conferenze, book e reportage.
Silvia Gerbino was born in Rome in 1986. Interested all along in Art and Photography, she collaborated since she was young with the “Akkademia dei Prossimali”, experimenting and deepening the study of visual arts. In 2005 she starts her university career at the Department of Literature and graduating in Literary Critic applied to Photography with maximum marks. In recent years she attended photography post production courses with well-known teachers and she worked in Italy and abroad as a photographer’s assistant. Based in Rome, she is presently working at events, conferences, producing photo shoots and reportage.